It’s FRIDAY and I‘m loving it!!

As usual I have my Managing your tax at 1pm and ends at 5pm.

The lecture was a bit complicated. It’s regarding capital allowances.

After 5pm, rui ping and I went to the convention centre with Ms Lee and Benjamin.

We were helping out as student helpers in the FRESH! DANCE PARTY!

Anyway, the party starts at 6pm.

And we have the briefing and the refreshments.

Basically our job is to check their tickets and student cards and also tear the tickets for lucky draw.

Rui ping and I was team up with Tian Tian and another guy.

We were assigned to station near the staircase there.

And the job is super relaxed.


Our station was really fun.

We were crapping, eating and making new friends.

And our table is the only one that has so many foods.

Thanks to Tian Tian’s friend.

An Indian friend came to say hi to us when we were sitting at the staircase

I am glad to know him because he is super amazing.

He can talk fluently in Chinese as his mum was a Chinese.

He can even speak hokkien!

And he got a B3 for his Chinese!! *CLAP CLAP*

The funniest part is that he said Tamil is much harder than Chinese. HAHAHA!

Also he is super active!

He can be real high and he is extremely humorous.

After that we went in to the hall.

Some of them were dancing and it is really very happening.

I can see that everyone is trying to get high.

Then everything ends at around 10 plus.

All are so dead beat.



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