Alicia, Rui Ping & I are in deep trouble.

Hmm… Not that serious la.

It’s just that someone will keep calling us and we can’t even bother about it.

Imaging the person keep calling and calling even though no one answers.

Strong perseverance I think. But I want them to give up real soon.


Yesterday have my IS – Managing your taxes.

This was the first time that I wanted to faint in the lecture.

The lecturer taught us tax computation.

And it’s super complicated.

The part about personal reliefs can really made you headache.

And the funniest part is when the lecturer show us the solution,

Both people don’t need to pay any tax at all.

That’s because the personal reliefs can really deduct a lots provided you are married with children and your grandparent are living with you etc.

But overall I still like it and the lecturer is very very good.


Surprising to found out that wang shuang is in np too.

I was having lunch with her at canteen 3 on Wed.

I know her when I was studying higherCL at commonwealth sec.

Then she told me she discovered her note book and found my email address.
And this is how we started to contact each other. Haha.


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