It's the last day of 2008!!
Heard that this year will be one second longer as the global time service system will be adding a leap second at the end of the year to keep it synchronized with the rotation of the earth.
Anyway, on this last day of gratitude and almost the last day of the year, I am grateful for what the year 2008 has been.

Diamonds of stars burn bright tonight,
This will be the last day of this year,
and the stars above shine so bright.
What new chapter awaits to be written?
Where will I find myself one year from today?
What lies ahead?

All I can do is stare straight up
past the darkness through the cold and into the lights,
reflecting all that burns deep within me,
and the hope of something,
something to come and find me dreaming
shines the lights in my own eyes.

Say good-bye to another year.
Hope for a new chapter to give me wings to fly
and live my dreams.
Tonight, the stars are alive.

May all dreams come to light in the new year.
Happy New Year!


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