STRESS is spreading around like a virus.

And it can only be slaughtered after mid-Aug.

Anyway thanks to J, who send me those advices for dealing stress.

So those who suffered from the virus, here are the antidotes.


1.  Tidy Up: Many people work to keep their home or office as clutter free as possible. The idea is that if your environment is organized your mind may follow. Even clearing your desk before you leave the office will work wonders. Our environments really are a reflection of our minds.

2.  Think Good Thoughts: It sounds almost cliché, but if you take a moment to mull over some of the good things going on in your life it can snap you out of dwelling on some of the more difficult things you could be going through. Your mind can only focus on one thing at a time, whether that thing is positive or negative is up to you.

3.  Get a Massage: So many of us forget to take care of ourselves, as we are so busy saving the world for others. Getting a massage relaxes your tense muscles. Studies have found that touch is also healing. So if you can’t afford a massage, reach out to a friend or loved one and ask for a hug.

4.   Laugh: You’ve heard it before; laughter is the best medicine. Call up a funny friend or pop a favorite comedy into your DVD player. Laughing has a way of putting so many things into perspective.

5.   Exercise: Join a gym with a friend or meet up with a group from your neighborhood for daily walks. Stretching exercises, such as yoga, can be just as rewarding. Exercising can also help combat some of the side effects of over eating.

6.   Go out with Friends: When you are having a stressful day it is time to rally for support, send an e-mail to your favorite group of friends and ask them to meet you somewhere for a dinner or ice cream. Talking out your problems with close friends is like being able to fall with a secure safety net.


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