Yesterday I was meeting Alicia and Yu Ning at Bugis to buy birthday presents for Charlie.
At first, we thought of buying a wallet. So we went to the wallet shop.
But didn’t manage to find the ideal one.
It’s really hard to buy present for guys. Especially this particular guy. Haha..
After walking to and fro, finally we find something that all agreed with it.
Later we went daiso at plaza singapura to get a nice box for the present.
And also went marks & spenser to buy cookies.
After buying all stuffs, we went to just acia.
We sat there for a very very long time to eat and chat.
Left at around 10 plus.
All are so tired and I wake up at 11plus the next day.
Then continue watching yuan lai wo bu shuai. Super nice drama.
Oh ya, timetable is out le.
Mr Cliff is teaching us OOAD. Yippppeee…
I am going to have loads loads of fun tomorrow. 


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