WOO HOO!! My exams are finally over!

I’m flying over the moon. ~lalala

It’s is such a nice feeling that all stress from the semester is finally off.

Yeah, now I just have to wait for my result on mid of March.

And I can finally start on the dozens of stuffs that I wanted to do since months ago.

Also, I think I should call my agent for job hunting now.

But I just don’t have the feel to work.

Just wanna to relax after “torturing” my brain.

Perhaps will call after few days later. Should ask jia hui along too.

Oh today is 元宵。元宵节快乐!

And it’s is also the opening of all my red packets.

Hmm... The numbers of red packets is lesser than last year.

Coz some of them went overseas to 避年。Haha..

Ok. Since I’m having such good mood, I should share some jokes here.

A man was boasting to his friend, "You know, I am a well known collector of antiques."
His friend replied," Yes I know, I have seen your wife."


A drunkard was brought to court. Just before the trial there was a commotion in the gallery. The judge pounded the gravel on his table and shouted, "Order, order."
The drunkard immediately responded, "Thank you, your honour, I'll have a scotch and soda."

A man went to an eye specialist to get his eyes tested and asked, "Doctor, will I be able to read after wearing glasses?"
"Yes, of course," said the doctor, "why not!"
"Oh! How nice it would be," said the patient with joy, "I have been illiterate for so long."

 "Do you know I own a bank now?"
"Oh really, what is the name of your bank?"


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