Had a wonderful day with Susan and Herman.

They are my primary school ex- classmates. Same class during Primary 5.

And I never saw Herman for ages.

Actually we asked more people, but end up they “放鸽子”。

Especially that Mervin Ng!

Anyway, we went to Vivo and had our dinner over there.

We crap here and there, talking about the past and some amusing incidents.

We all still remembered Mr Seow and one Chinese female teacher. Can’t recall her name.

After that we went Mini Toons.

Woohoo.. They are having 30% discount.

HERMAN TEO was super generous.

He wanted us to choose a x’mas present and he will pay for it.
We spend 15mins looking for what we want.

Then I choose 2 tortoises. Female & male.

The small one is a speaker but don’t know whether it works or not.
Susan bought a tortoise too.. And a Xiao Ding Dang.
The bill ended up $31.10. 
I exceed his budget. But he said never mind.


After paying, we went Starbucks.
We gave him a treat. 
And we was talking and laughing all the way, like nobody’s business. :P
And guess who we saw? NICOLE!! Primary school ex-classmates too..

Susan: Hey, that gal look like Nicole..
Me: Oh.. It’s Nicole la..
Susan: But don’t look like her leh.
Me: It’s her. I go call her.

She didn’t responds. And I called the 2nd time.
Great! She responded.
I was right!
We talked to her for a while. And found out that she was re-taking her O’s this year.
After conversation, we leave vivo.
Actually we wanted to take bus. But Susan guessed out Herman wanted to take cab..
End up we took cab.
Crazy eh? Only a few bus stops, still take cab? LOL..
Then the cab dropped us at blk 72, Herman’s house.
After that, he went home first.
Then Susan and I keep on chatting until 10plus before all went home.


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