Yesterday was out the whole day with Alicia, Rui Ping and Edwin to celebrate his belated birthday. Meet them at bus stop in front of Suntec convention centre at 12plus. Den we went to Yukiyaki at Marina Square. We ate lots over there. It is much better than Seoul Garden. More variety of foods, also the BBQ and soup is separately. But we wasted lots of food. Not mine fault, is Alicia. She made the whole plate of prawns, chickens etc all “Cao Da”. Haha.


Edwin ate very little. Saw him ate fish balls, some meat only. Edwin u wanna lose weight ar? Haha. Later we get some eggs and he went to “torture” the eggs. I won’t emphasis anymore. Basically he was like venting his frustration on the eggs or what. And by the way it was the 1st time that he went out with us. He went off at 3pm after taking photos with us and he didn’t get to eat the ice-cream. Talking about ice-cream, it’s really very very tiring. It’s fry ice-cream. My 1st time trying it and made my hands felt so “suan”. But overall is not bad. The taste is different from others and it is not so sweet.

Around 5plus, we left Yukiyaki. We went to walk around Marina Square. Rui Ping & I bought few earrings and then keep looking and walking all the way to Suntec. We three of us bought a hand brackets over there. Rui Ping wishes to buy heels and she & Alicia was trying many heels on the way. But too bad, they didn’t find any suitable ones. Then we went to Carrefour. We had a fun time over there. Because we were all playing with the hairbands, sunglasses, necklaces etc.. Luckily there was no one looking. After playing, we walk passed the counter. The male cashier saw us walking towards him and was preparing to do cashing for us. This is the funniest part as we didn’t buy anything. So we act innocent and passed his counter. When I looked back, he was smiling to himself. Haha. 

After that at around 9plus, Alicia said she wants to buy donuts and we went to DonutFactory. The queue was not long. The lady told us that she can’t guarantee us that we will get our donuts as the stocks may not be enough. But luckily we did get our share during our turn. But some peoples queuing behind us didn’t get to buy it.

After we got the donuts, they sent me to the bus stop. Took bus 97 and reached home at 10plus. I was so tired that I went to zZZ after taking my bath.

Here are the pictures..

EDWIN! The Birthday Boy!!

From left, Alicia, Edwin, Rui Ping.

This photo looks like i am pinching him. LOL!

Those are not made for drinking. It's for making the ice-cream.

It appears like this when u poured it over.

Then after frying, it will become this.

This was specially made from Edwin. Too bad he didn't get to taste it.

"Playing" at Carrefour.

Still "playing".

This time i "played" on my own. :P

Lastly, the donuts from donuts factory.


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